Grace Dickson Jones

Born: 14 Apr 1904 in Issaquah, WA

Died: 27 Dec 1976 in Issaquah, WA


"May the wind be at your back.

May the road rise up to meet you."


Grace was the fourth of six children born to William Hall Jones and Helen Dickson Clark. The siblings, in order of birth, were Jessie Stewart (1894-1965), Elizabeth Mae (1896-1986), William Melbourne (1899-1970), Grace, Vera (1908-1998), and Helen Juanita (1916-1962).


Grace met Howard Cleveland in Issaquah when he came up from Centralia to pitch in a baseball game, probably for the Camp Lewis team where he was stationed at the end of WWI. They were married on 25 October 1920, when she was just halfway through her 16th year, and Howard was 23. Their first child, Helen Juanita, was born in early 1924, followed 20 months later by Lenore Mae.






When Howard died in 1956, Grace was still a young 55 years old. Her sister, Mae, decided to play matchmaker, and took Grace to a Grange meeting to introduce her to Erle Jones, whose wife had died recently. Grace and Erle married in 1959, and Grace reclaimed her maiden name. Erle and Grace traveled and enjoyed visiting with friends and relatives. Grace was a prolific letter-writer, and her daughter Lenore never discarded a letter that she received from anyone her entire life, so there are many detailed descriptions of the Grace and Erle's travels. They enjoyed themselves wherever they went.


Grace and Erle were active members of the Washington State Grange, and even attended some national conventions of the Grange. Grace achieved the Sixth Degree of Flora in the Order of The Patrons of Husbandry in 1958, and the Seventh Degree of Ceres in 1964.


Grace also did volunteer work. In 1962 she volunteered 152 hours to with the Issaquah Chamber of Commerce, working in the World's Fair Information Booth. This booth was located along I-90 near the present-day location of Gilman Village. At that time I-90 was only 2-4 lanes wide, and people just pulled off the road to stop at the visitor information booth to find out what was going on. In 1961 Grace volunteered 100 hours at the Seattle Veterans Administration hospital, and in 1964 she contributed over 300 hours.


Grace was also a member of the Rebekah Assembly of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of Washington, in the Hall of Gilman Rebekah Lodge No. 59. She served as Noble Grand of her lodge in 1960.


To be continued.........







Grace's parents, William Hall Jones (1870-1941) and Helen Dickson Clark (1874-1960), with their first two children, Jessie Stewart and Elizabeth Mae, in 1897.


William and Helen in 1938.


Grace with her mother and four sisters in 1950. From left, Vera, Helen, Juanita, Jessie, Mae, Grace.



Portrait of Grace about 1906.


Portrait of Grace about 1908.


About 1920



About 1921


About 1924


Grace, Helen (left) and Lenore in 1927.



This family portrait, taken in 1935, shows William and Helen with all six of their children, with spouses and grandchildren. Pictured from left to right are: Margie Jones (Melbourne's wife); Mae; Einar Klinge (behind Mae); William (Billy) Jones (oldest son of Melbourne and Marge); Jessie (back row, next to her husband, Einar Klinge); William (Papa Jones); Melbourne (back row); Lenore Cleveland (front row next to Billy); Helen (Nana Jones); Juanita, holding hands with Billy's brother, Ronald (Buddy); Grace (back row); Helen Cleveland (behind Ronald); Howard Cleveland (next to Grace); Vera, and her husband, Reynold Plaisted.



Grace with first and only granddaughter, Joanne Christine Koenig, in 1952.


About 1965 in front of Lambert home in Yakima.